About the author

John Likeglass (penname) was born in Amityville Long Island in 1955 and moved to Pennsylvania in 1959.  Although not one to watch cartoons as a kid, at age 14, one caught his eye.   

"I was hanging around with a band. We had all fallen asleep at our manager's house after Friday night's rehearsal. Early Saturday morning, his kids came out and turned on the TV.  With one bleary eye half open I saw this feisty girl with glasses ranting and raving. It was Velma, and I've been hooked ever since!"

 After 25 years of working on the road with rock bands doing lighting, sound and music video production work, John retired to a quieter profession, electronic service, then administrative and network management.

"Having watched Scooby Doo all through the 70's and 80's, the show(s) were finally canceled. I had all but forgotten about Scooby until about 1998. Then one day I went to work removing a stuck tape from a video recorder, only to find out that it was a feature length Scooby Movie! (Zombie Island) I bought the movie and loved it!  Velma and the gang were back!"

In the summer of 1999, John started to work on building a web site to honor the long lost (but found again) gang. The first Beta version of the site was put into service in 1999.  During the course of researching all things Scooby on the internet, John stumbled across the perfect place to host his site, Acme City, a host server owned by Warner Brothers, and the site was moved there in 2000.  Unfortunately, on May 18th, 2001, Acme City closed (part of the Time Warner / AOL merger.) The site was then moved to GeoCities.


On yearly trip to Disney with wife Sandi
(Mad-cap art by Tony from ScoobyMoonBusters)

"I probably spent 1000 hours researching facts about the show before I put the site up. A couple of friends have helped fill in the details of what Velma's life would be like. Piecing the real life experiences and the cartoon history together, I have managed to put together a number of original stories which I hope everyone enjoys."

Now in it's 24th  year, the site has had over One Million visitors and well over 10 million page views! There are no plans to stop work on the site and it will continue to grow!  In September of 2002, the site was moved onto a professional server to give it the new www.velmadinkley.com address, and to increase available bandwidth so more people could visit. 

In April 2006, Yahoo got out of the "Group Chat" business, leaving a hole and forcing John to add some interactive pages to the Site.  Velma Chat and Velma's Forum were added, providing a chat room and a multi-thread forum for fans to interact in. 

In 2017, we moved the site to a new host to reduce overhead and increase performance.

2023- "I have to apologize for not spending the time that I should on this site, but I suspect that will be changing soon!"

"The friends I have met researching the site have left me with a wealth of information about the show and it's cast. The greatest excitement is that the franchise lives on through animated feature length movies, and now in two live action movies that are on the big screen, as well as a Saturday morning spot on the WB channel. Scooby and the gang have many years ahead of them, and as long as I am around, I will keep you up to date on the latest adventures, down to the last Scooby Snack!   Enjoy!"

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