We try to answer as many of the questions as we can!Ask Velma

This is your opportunity to continue the interview and ask Velma questions about the gang and their adventures. Each week, several questions that have been E-mailed in will be answered. We will keep them posted for as long a time as space permits! To ask a question (using our new, fast online form), Click Here!


Tarankin19 writes: Does the gang ever seriously argue with each other? (not counting with Scrappy Doo)

Velma Oh Yes!  Wait till the live action movie comes out next year, you'll see some big ones!! 

Did you guys have to buy a new Mystery Machine after the Witch's Ghost?- It seemed like it had major damage. 

Velma No, but it did cost us over $8,000 in repairs! 

I've heard on some web pages (not yours) that you had an uncle named John, and Daphne had an uncle named Dave, but I had always thought it was the other way around. Which is it? 

Velma We both come from large families. I have the uncle named John.  

While I'm on the subject... Does Fred have any family? They never seem to show them on T.V. 

Velma Yes, but he's such an outward guy, you'd never know it  :) 

Who came up with the nick name 'Danger Prone Daphne'? 
Velma Freddy  

That's all my questions, Bye Velma! P.S. Cool page!!!

Velma Thanks!

C. A. writes: I left this message at the Sabrina Dinkley site: "Is it true that if Velma's I.Q. was laid on it's side, that the zeros after it would stretch 4 feet-9inches?( it would be taller than her?)

Velma  My height in the old series (I have grown) was four foot nine! Thanks for the compliment, but three digits handle it just fine! Gee, you know how to make a girl blush!

Me and who??Church writes: Hey Velma! Do u know what the latest scoop on Fred and Daphne is? Thanx :)


Velma SO many people ask!  Things are getting really interesting! Again, stay tuned for the release of the movie in June 2002!

Gabrielle writes: Who is your best friend?

Velma Oh, that's unfair as it implies that everyone else is not! I like almost everyone!

Dr. Thinker writes: These two question deals with a certain time period..when mostly like when the gang was about 5- 8 years old (Television Watcher term is "A Pup Named Scooby-Doo")

1. When did Fred stopped blaming Red Herring for the crime? Did he commit a crime, like trying to change school grades as a monster/ghost?

Velma never stopped!  It's just one of those "Fred" things!

2. In that time period, you had what looks female wire-glasses. When did you change your glasses to the ones been in since "Where Are You. Scooby-Doo?"

Velma Hummm... female glasses...   I changed from wire rims at age 11. Wire frames were just a little too fragile back then to go ghost hunting in!

The rest deals with adult.

3) Why does Scooby-Doo hate clams? Did he throw-up Clam Chower once and never lived it down?

Velma Answered your own question on that one :) !

Danger Prone Daphne4) How and when did Daphne get her terrible nickname, "Danger Prone Daphne?"

Velma  Ha! I think she knocked her crib over!   Actually, Freddy gave her the name at age 7.

5) In "Nowhere to Hyde." You, Fred and Daphne dress up to look like the Ghost of the Episode, where did you find the three outfits?

Velma Swiped them from extras the bad guys had stashed.

6) Where you shocked to find out that Crystral and Amber were real aliens?

Velma Oh yes!  It just did not make any sense. You always look for the logical answers in life first.

7) Not counting the movies, what was your favorite creature and what was your least favorite monster?

Velma "Mano Tiki Tia" (See below) was my favorite. I think that slimy swamp thing was my least favorite. (I am blocking the name of it right now!)

8). What do you think of Scooby-Dum and Scooby-Dee, Scooby's cousins.

Velma Oh brother! I don't want to hurt Scooby's feelings, but he is my favorite. Let's just leave it at that!


Hagbal writes: Was there ever a blonde chick on Scooby Doo?

Velma Not as part of the cast, but plenty have shown up, much to Freddy's delight!




Diane writes: What was your favorite episode that you enjoyed making?

Velma- This was asked before, but its been awhile so- From the old series? I would have to say "A Tiki Scare is No Fair", I got to Hula dance! The monster's name was "Mano Tiki Tia." Hey, how many girls aren't going to love a vacation in Hawaii? 


Satchy4 writes: Hi Velma I'm a big fan of your show! I have a question though have you ever had any feelings of some sort for Fred?

Velma Not the type I think you are asking about. He's nice but just not my type.

Vikshant writes: OK,I've got a few questions for you.

1.In the advertisement, ''Those meddling kids behind the scenes'' (that aired on Cartoon Network) there was a blonde girl in your family portrait. Who was she and how come she never had glasses?

Velma On the cartoon network web site, there is more information about my family. When you have the genes for Myopia in your family tree, not everyone will get it. She was lucky not to.

2.How did you become more younger looking in Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders?

Velma Lost a little weight. Some of my artwork was getting a little out of hand, so they called in Iwao Takamoto the original art designer for the series to help with the movies.

3.What has happened to that "small mutt"? (Not that I care)

Velma What mutt?  (I try not to think about him.)

Only Kidding!

Emma writes: Hi Do you have a endless supply of orange sweaters and is there any-thing going on between Daphne and Freddy?

Church writes: Hey Velma! whats the latest scoop on Fred and Daphne?

Velma Yes I do!  As for Freddy, scroll up a bit. *smile*


Amy Anderson writes: Dear Velma, I'm a really big fan of yours! I believe I sent you a question a while back. ;) I was wondering if you knew anything about who or what will be playing Scooby-Doo in the new live action movie. I'm really excited about it! Thanx!

Velma Scooby will be himself, thanks to a little CGI magic!

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